Master's programme

Institute of Art History (IKG)

Information on the Master's degree programme in Art History

Where can I apply?

Please apply for the winter semester (by 15 July) or the summer semester (by 15 January) of the respective year via the "C@MPUS" online portal.

Since the summer semester of 2019, the new examination regulations for the Master's programme in History of Art apply.

Master's Programme PO 2019

Since the summer semester of 2019, the Institute for Art History at the University of Stuttgart has been awarding places on the newly designed Master's degree programme in Art History according to the examination regulations of 2019. The programme is a single subject Master's degree.

Master's programme PO 2009

Students who pursue their Master's degree according to the PO 2009 (incl. all amendment statutes) can complete their studies according to the old examination regulations (PO 2009) until 30.09.2023. The programme manager, Mr. Reichardt, will be happy to answer any questions.


This image shows Anselm Rau

Anselm Rau


Research fellow (History of medieval art)

This image shows Gerd  Reichardt

Gerd Reichardt


Research fellow

[Image: The Courtauld (Acc.Nr.: D.1952.RW.1366)]

This image shows Barbara Reisinger

Barbara Reisinger


Research fellow (History of modern and contemporary art)

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