Max Bense Research Centre

The Max Bense Research Centre at the SRC Text Studies, in cooperation with the Stuttgart University Library, the DLA Marbach and the ZKM Karlsruhe, supported by the Max Bense Heirs Association and the IZKT Stuttgart.

Max Bense in front of an artwork by Lucio Fontana, Bayerischer Rundfunk 2.11.1966. Foto: P. Sessne

Research Group Members

  • Prof. Dr. Andrea Albrecht (Ruprecht-Karls-University Heidelberg)
  • Masetto Bonitz (University of Stuttgart)
  • Dai Siyu (University of Stuttgart)
  • Prof. Dr. Sandra Richter(DLA Marbach/University of Stuttgart)
  • Alexandra Skowronski (University of Stuttgart)
  • Dr. Claus-Michael Schlesinger (University of Stuttgart)
  • Prof. Dr. Kerstin Thomas (University of Stuttgart)
  • Prof. Dr. Claus Zittel (University of Stuttgart)

The Max Bense Research Centre, which spans the disciplines of philosophy, literary studies and art history, has set itself the goal of collecting Max Bense's writings, which are often published in far-flung publications, most of which are out of print and some of which are completely unknown, and to make them accessible to researchers again by publishing the first printings online. The project will begin with the presentation of Bense's early individual publications and newspaper articles. In consultation with Elisabeth Walther-Bense and the Max Bense heirs' association, materials from the estate will then also be included. Further testimonies of Bense's reception, especially the numerous references to contemporary art and literature, will also be documented and commented on. In this way, the literary, art-theoretical and philosophical examination of Bense's aesthetics will be resumed and the possibilities of an update explored.

The Max Bense Research Centre organises lectures, smaller workshops and conferences dedicated to the further exploration of Max Bense's work.

This image shows Kerstin Thomas

Kerstin Thomas

Univ.-Prof. Dr.

Deputy Head of Institute

[Image: Institut für Kunstgeschichte | Universität Stuttgart]

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