Student counselling

Institute of Art History (IKG)

Our staff will be happy to help you with any general questions you may have about the History of Art degree programme and are also available to provide you with detailed advice on your studies

General study counselling and subject-specific study counselling

We are happy to help you with all your questions about the History of Art degree programme - be it about the prerequisites for the degree programme and its contents, the choice of subjects, language requirements, examination matters and much more. In the course of your studies, we are available to support you in matters such as planning internships, key qualifications and excursions.

If you already know exactly what you would like to study or have already started studying, are planning a change of degree programme and have subject-specific questions, we will support you in a targeted subject-related study counselling session.

Please contact us with your concerns:

Dr. Anselm Rau
Dr. Gerd Reichardt
Dr. Barbara Reisinger

For credit transfer and questions about ERASMUS, please contact the study programme manager.

To the download area:

Here you can find the guidelines for the Bachelor and Master of Arts Art History degree programmes as well as the declarations for submitting the Bachelor and Master thesis as PDF.


This image shows Anselm Rau

Anselm Rau


General student counseling, subject advisor

This image shows Gerd  Reichardt

Gerd Reichardt


General student counseling, subject advisor

[Image: The Courtauld (Acc.Nr.: D.1952.RW.1366)]

This image shows Barbara Reisinger

Barbara Reisinger


General course guidance, subject course adviser

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